Friday, January 7, 2011

New year! Hope that this year will be a good one. =)

Well... it's already the new year and it's been ages since i've updated my blog... so I'm taking this small opportunity (before the busy buzz kicks in) to write a little something. =)

Hrm hrm... How should i start?

To all the people that I love, namely Evil Bunny Kins, Miyage and Okuni... My bestest buddies in the whole entire universe, know that I love you, miss you and care for you and will always be there for you, although not physically...=(

If there is anything troubling you, know that you can always talk to me about it, although I may not be a good advisor, but I am a good listener... so just let me be there for you girls as how you have been there for me when i needed you the most.

And... hrm... I hope that this year will be kind to everyone that I care about. I hope that things will go smoothly for all and that you guys enjoy your time the best you can! And hopefully, you guys can keep your new year resolutions on the way. ;)

Know that a new year is a new beginning so start out fresh! Do something new! I know i would! Lately, i've been really motivated to go on diet and keep fit... eventhough it's winter! And so far, the good news is that I've lost one dress size~ ah~ so happy~ though my weight is still like that...=3='' But i guess it's the weight of my muscles? Hrm...

I have another weird new year resolution and that is to keep off carrots and papaya! Because... You know what... is expanding... =3=''

anyway, I'm going to keep doing my best, and do everything full heartedly. I hope you girls will too!


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