Saturday, May 15, 2010

Again, I have to vent my pants off or i'll REALLY fall apart!!!

Today, once again, I am pissed of by miss Bitchy Princess!! I mean, what the hell? Just because your parents are rich, you can skip class just because you don't feel like it? What is wrong with this girl?! Grr, did you also forget that we were suppose to discuss about something today too? What? You don't feel like it either? And please, I can be friends with anyone i want to be friends with, that is not something you can decide!

Seriously, it's not like she's stupid or anything, she can sense that you are angry or distressed. But somehow or rather, she will either just play dumb or just blurt out an insolent, insincere sorry just to make you feel happy, when she's in the wrong. Well boo hoo. I am not someone you can mess around with. Please, please, please do not, i repeat DO NOT say sorry if you're not! Do you even know what you're sorry for? Or are you even aware of what you did wrong even? Sorry, is not something you say to end things. You say sorry to express a sense of regret AND will try not to repeat it. NOT apologize, move on and REPEAT what you did to make me so pissed off!!! WTH?

And honestly, please please, please just tell if you're unhappy with how i handle things. Being sad and mad and tattling and bad mouthing me behing my back isn't going to help you solve your problem. Or better yet, detach yourself from my group and get lost! Get a life, will you? I do not TOLERATE miss prissy's spoilty brattiness. Seriously, if you're gonna keep at it like this for the rest of your life? I ASSURE you, you will not make it far.

Next, please do not expect everyone to bear your temper... it's really tiring. We can not suck up, kiss ass, adore, pamper and comfort you all the time. And i mean, ALL THE TIME!

Awwww, you have a problem? you need comforting, you need consolation? Well, EVERYONE HAVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS! And do you know how people handle their problems? They suck in their guts, bite their lips with their chest held high and FACE the problem! Face to face, one on one, heads on. Seriously, I don't know which pit hole you've been hiding in for the rest of your life until now,but please ADAPT and GROW UP!!!


Friday, April 30, 2010


Gahhhhh!!! Lately I'm just super duper frustrated!!~

Over the time i'm here in KL, I've bonded with quite a few people, and there's this one girl in particular that I am friends with... She's really charming and girl y and nice( something that will take me 100 evolutions to become), and I thought, wow, what a wonderful person. And now we're in a group and our working experience together has been nothing but agony and pain.

No offense, but what a pain in the ass!!!

Even though she is efficient in her work, she complains and whines a lot. She thinks that she's the only one contributing the most and that other people's efforts are inferior compared to hers.

She kept on harping on how stressful and how huge her responsibility is. Other than that, she WANTED to take MORE responsibility herself, but after that she kept saying that the leader (that's me) keep giving her responsibilities that are too big for her to chew, and what's worst, she did it behind my back! I mean, come on! just tell me if you're job is too stressful! I'll just add those burden to my already heavy burden, that's all, no big deal.

And what's more, she kept on saying she don't want to present, she don't want to do this, she don't want to do that... But the truth is, she wants to contribute but wants people to abide, praise and beg her more! For a few days, the other group members and I were saying " do it please~, please do it, just present, you can present very well, you're English is the best amongst all of us (but actually I'm better, eckhem.) so on and so forth. AND IN THE END SHE'LL RELUCTANTLY SAY YES, BUT REPEATS THIS ACT AGAIN THE NEXT DAY!!! WHAT THE F**K!

grrrr... too bad that my other team member's English is not that good... the 2 presenters for our group assignment had to be her and I. BUT I SWEAR, IF SHE REPEATS THIS AGAIN... I'll switch her off with the others. I don't care if their English isn't slangy.

Grrrr... we were suppose to present today and get things over with, but there isn't enough time and the were some group who cut queues!!! Now my stress has to be with me until next Monday!!! GAHHHHHHHH!!! MOTHER F**KERS!!!! SON OF A B***H!!!!!!!

I hope I can change groups soon... I hope the group is not permanent...

But one good thing is that, i saw my crush today~

That will be all. =x=

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Start in KL

The semi independent life is too sweet to savour, while the loneliness is strangely inviting...

Anyway, here's what is going on lately...

1. I have less than 6 hours of sleep everyday and soon to reduce to 4 hours ( if i'm lucky)...
2. I commute to school everyday on shuttle bus (and darn those busses for picking students up only after 2pm...)
3. I made lots of new friends! yay, LOL.
4. I'm making an effort to visit my brother every weekend.
5. Currently interested in architecture, i think its due to my competitiveness... I wanna win those bloody guys... hehe.
6. I miss my friends and family very very much!
7. ...But i usually fall asleep when i get home and couldn't call them...
8. I love broadband but it is extremely slow... But at least i could go online.
9. I'm going to blog as much as i can, with 10 things to tell on my posts-to-be.
10. I'll keep you guys posted. Muax muax.
